Jack Bauer

Introducing: Jack Bauer
(no, not that Jack Bauer...)

For years, I'd wanted a dog. But the timing never seemed right. Until about a year ago, Ric and I started looking at houses and we started talking about having a dog someday in our new home. But even when we bought a home last August, it was a few months before we had the "dog talk"... something about having a mortgage payments for the first-time and adjusting to being homeowners put the dog conversation on hold.

Still, there were a few things we agreed on. We wanted a Golden Retriever (best dogs ever!) and we wanted to adopt it from this place:

We have friends that adopted their Golden through Homeward Bound, and everything we'd seen and heard about the organization was fantastic. So last November we decided we were ready to take the leap of doggy adoption. We contacted Homeward Bound and within a few weeks we got to meet Jack (although, his name at the time was 'Lucky').
It was basically love at first sight. He was sweet, gorgeous, and mellow. We signed papers and took him home that day.
And for the most part, it's been easy sailing. Jack learns quickly and he's eager to please (though he has his stubborn moments). We are simply smitten with the guy, and yes, we have turned into "those" dog people (the kind of people that do this:)

Although technically Jack is "my" dog (which Ric never ceases to remind me when it's time to clean up dog poop), Ric loves him just as much. He really is our dog. In fact, most nights you will find the two of them like this: