Thursday, July 11, 2013

Playing Catch-up

Well, I'm a bit behind with posts... I missed Parker's 25months and a bunch of Joey blogs, who is now two months old (I can't believe it!).

We've been on vacation most of the past three weeks, so I haven't been on top of my blogging game.

To make up for it, I'm just going to post a collection of random cuteness from the past few weeks.

Here are some pictures from our vacation in  Ventura, CA. 

Wearing Grandpa's hat.

Playing at a park on the beach! This isn't a great picture, but you can barely see ocean in the background.

Daddy and Parker love. :)

 My cute little man! 

He was 6 weeks old on this trip.

Joey faces.

In his bed--he's so tiny!

We were able to "rent" toys from the resort lobby. Parker loved this ABC game.

Parker helping Daddy with our luggage. 

Such a great helper!

This happened for about 15 minutes on the 6 hour car-ride home (without air conditioning!).

Here's what happened most of the trip.

Here's some "around the house" cuteness:

Joey's found his hands!

nap time!

Some Lake Tahoe pictures:

Parker wrote his name!

Then he wrote Grandpa's name (I wrote the "G" but he spelled it by himself)

And just for fun... Parker does jumping jacks!

So that's just a glimpse into the Reyes' life! Stay tuned for more cuteness! :)