Monday, December 9, 2013

7 Months Old

Joey Bug! 

Seven months has snuck up on us for sure! 6 months was the big milestone, and it was almost as if we were watching the calendar, waiting for that to happen. But then seven months just came when we weren't looking. 

Here's what you've been up to this month:

 ** Your Jumperoo **

You've liked your jumperoo for a month or two, but this month you've learned how to really jump. You will jump, jump, jump for a long time--easily 30-40 minutes when we let you. It's pretty adorable. 

** Holding your own bottle **

You hold the bottle by yourself like a pro! This makes bottle feedings a bit easier for Mommy and Daddy :)

Speaking of food, you continue to enjoy eating your baby food. So far, you've had butternut squash, sweet potatoes, and pears. Soon you'll try bananas! 

** Sitting up all by yourself! **

(By the way, you are still sleeping in the mini pack-n-play in Mommy and Daddy's room, but you love to play in your big brother's crib... which will soon be your crib!)


It seriously seemed like one day you were toppling over and the next day you were sitting up on your own for 10-15 minutes at a time. You enjoy sitting up to play with your toys.

Here's some more 7-month December cuteness:

**H*A*P*P*Y*  *B*O*Y**

We love you SO, so much, little bug. You are so joyful and smiley and you bring us so much happiness every day. We are so thankful for you and we enjoy watching  you grow and learn new things each day.

Love, Mommy and Daddy

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