Thursday, May 23, 2013

Introducing: Joey Bug!

Joseph Wesley Reyes

Born on May 9, 2013 at 11:59PM 
~ 9lbs 1 oz ~  20inches. 

On May 9th, I woke up at 6am with my first ever "real" contraction. At the time, I didn't realize it. I thought it was a really bad cramp! Throughout the morning, I experienced a few more "cramps" and wondered if perhaps they were really something else.

Turns out they were. The contractions grew longer and more frequent. By the time Ric came home from work, we were talking about when to go to the hospital. We put Parker down for bed and then headed on over to Methodist Hospital. 

We were given a room and since I was dilated at 4cm, I was admitted. After getting checked, I was told that you weren't "engaged." So although you were in the head down position, your head hadn't fully dropped in the pelvis. There was a concern that this could be because you were too big to fit in my pelvic region. They did an ultrasound and guessed you were measuring close to nine pounds.  The doctor came in--Dr. Overton, who I'd never met before--and said she highly recommended the C-Section. So. That's what we ended up doing. 

I went into the O.R. and got prepped. Before I knew it, I was "ready" and they had Ric come into the room. Shortly after, we heard your first cries! 

The nurses cleaned you up... 

We love this Squishy Face!

Your first weigh-in:  our little nine pounder! 

After you were weighed and cleaned, you were bundled up and given to daddy.  

You spent time saying hello to Grandma, Grandpa, and Grammy while Mommy was taken to a different room. 

Then finally you were brought into the room and Mommy got to hold you and feed you. You are a great eater! :) You are also a great sleeper, and Mommy and Daddy even got some unexpected sleep! 

The next morning was very special because you got to meet your big Brother, Parker! 

He's almost two and he's going to be a great big brother! He'll teach you all kinds of things about letters, numbers, planets, and how to play outside. Although you're still too little to play with him now, we know that soon enough you two will be running around together! 

We spent the next three days in the hospital. We did have visitors, but for the most part, it was just you and Mommy and Daddy (and a handful of nurses  coming in and out to check on you). 

We had such a great three days getting to snuggle with you! You are such a sweet boy. You seem like a mellow little fellow who is content just being held. You like to eat and sleep and cuddle! You don't much care for your diaper being changed, though you do tolerate it for several minutes before crying. 

On Sunday, May 12th, we got to finally take you home--on Mother's Day! What a great gift for Mommy! :)

It's been so nice to have you home with us! You fit in perfectly with our family and we are so happy to be a family of four! 

We love you, little Joey Bug!!!!

Love, Mommy and Daddy

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