Saturday, July 30, 2011

Goodbye to the NB

Parker is too big for his Newborn size clothes. I've known this for a few weeks, but still was able to squeeze him in a few last NB items.

But no more.

Today I sorted through his NB clothes and decided what we will keep for (hopefully!) baby boy #2 in the future.

I have mixed emotions: I'm so excited to see our little guy grow, but there is a small mourning as well because I'll never get those first few months back.

Parker's dresser drawers are organized by size, so I've moved up all the 0-3 month sizes to the top drawers. I can't believe I'm now going through all the 3-6 month sizes to prepare for the upcoming months.

3-6 months! I can't imagine my little Bubba fitting into those clothes, but I know he will be filling them out all too soon.

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